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Contact Information

  • Club Leader

    Lucie Sargeant

  • Club Mobile

    07732 133378
    (From 14:45 onwards)

St Lukes

The club is situated in the Infant School Hall and can be accessed from the staff car park entrance off Bingham Road.

We have access all year round to the playground for team games such as, crocodile-crocodile, the sharks, dodge ball and free play with scooters, footballs, tennis and much more. In the playground are some grassy areas where we can spend a lot of time playing games such as rounders, football, parachute games and many more.

We provide a healthy snack, consisting of fruit, toast, fruit juice or milk during the session.

The children enjoy free play as well as both organised and child led games. At St. Lukes we play a lot of games outside (weather permitting) and also the children enjoy games inside. Typical games we play are wink murder, sleeping lions, keeper of the keys, squeak piggy squeak and the children think of new games as well.

We have theme related activities for the children to participate in if they would like to and regularly have colouring competitions. We provide a walking taxi for our children joining us from the Junior School. We have a great relationship with the school and have brilliant feedback from children and parents.


Breakfast Session

  • Breakfast Provided
  • 07:30 until Start Of School
  • Regular: £6.55 per session
  • Non-Regular: £7.55 per session

After School Session

  • Snacks Available
  • End of School until 17:45
  • Regular : £14.25 per session
  • Non-Regular: £15.40 per session
  • EYFS Children: £15.20 per session

Where to find us